- The height of cut on the greens will be raised to 4.5 mm
- A slow release fertiliser will be applied to all greens to encourage growth and strengthen the grass against disease
- The greens will be sprayed with a Fusarium preventative treatment
- Using our new equipment we will be pencil tining every green once per fortnight and the 9th, 11th,15th & 17th greens every week
- To minimise the damage caused by worm casts, when weather conditions allow, we will be treating tees, greens and approaches with a natural substance which drives earthworms to the surface where they can collected and placed in an “out of play” area
- Members may have noticed we have some smaller thinner flag sticks out on greens at the moment. These are a light weight stick to be used throughout the winter. These will not cause any lasting damage when dropped on to softer greens. We will review our flag sticks for the start of next season.

Ladies Autumn Open AmAm
1. L. Woolley / J. Hollis / C. Alford / K. Marshall 93 Branston Golf